It’s time for our UK election preview with our old pal Rob Ford (University of Manchester). Are the Tories headed for an extinction-level event? Find us on iTunes | Spotify | Soundcloud | RSS Stuk Rood Vlees · #130 – Countdown to Extinction (UK edition), with Rob Ford Music: ‘Pollution‘ by Dexter Britain (
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Episode 115 – David Cameron returns, and so does Rob Ford!
I needed a break from the absolutely horrendous Dutch election coverage of the past days, so naturally we turn to the United Kingdom where everything is always much worse. Our old pal Rob Ford, professor of politics at the University of Manchester, joins us to discuss the shocking return of David Cameron as foreign secretary, […]
Episode 106 – “I’m f**king furious and I don’t f**king care anymore”, with Rob Ford
Rob Ford (University of Manchester) joins us to discuss the resignation of Liz Truss and the sorry state of the Conservative Party. What word or phrase first comes to mind when you think about the Conservative government? — PeoplePolling (@PeoplePolling) October 21, 2022 Find us on iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Soundcloud | […]
Episode 105 – A new prime minister and a new monarch, with Rob Ford
For the first time ever, the UK acquired a new prime minister and a new monarch in the same week. Who better to break down these historic events than Rob Ford, professor of politics at the University of Manchester. We discuss Boris Johnson’s resignation, its aftermath, and the election of Liz Truss as the fourth […]
Episode 82 – A return to Brexitland, with Rob Ford
Brexit is making headlines again. The Johnson government has introduced new legislation containing measures to unilaterally override certain parts of the ‘oven-ready’ withdrawal agreement between the UK and the EU. Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis has conceded that the bill would break international law. Who better than to make sense of this than our old […]